Galaxy have pleasantly surprised us, and the folks at vr-zone.  To the table, they bring their GTX 470 GC, a 100% non-reference design graphics card utilising an NVIDIA GeForce Fermi 470 GPU.  Measuring 9 inches (compared to the reference 9.5 inches) and featuring a blue PCB, Galaxy have essentially mated a graphics card with a robot figurine.

This 470 uses a quad heatpipe design, aluminium fins and a detachable fan (to help with cleaning) in order to cool the pre-overclocked behemoth; the core recieves a mild overclock of 18Mhz to 625Mhz, whereas shaders and memory stay at the reference 1250Mhz and 3348Mhz (effective) respectively.  This combines with the standard GTX 470 fare - DirectX 11, 448 CUDA Cores, 1280MB of GDDR5 memory, a 320-bit wide interface and 4x SLI compatible.

Buyers will find the 2 6-pin connectors on the end, as well as two DVI-D connectors and HDMI with integrated audio.


Initial reports state that the card reaches 88ºC on a full Furmark test, and that this card could be available in the US as early as today (May 7th).

Looking at some of these pictures, there are a few things we like: the design is simple, yet futuristic; the detatchable fan for cleaning is a nice touch; and this custom cooler puts air out of the case (which is an issue with most custom air coolers). However, we notice there two sets of holes for mounting coolers. With a nice design and a very mild overclock, we can only imagine that the customer will be gouged on the price. But stick this in a colour matched Gigabyte motherboard and some blue Kingston HyperX memory, and you'll be looking at a very pretty setup indeed.

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  • Calin - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    The card lists as in stock at all three shops linked (tigerdirect, compusa, newegg). Do you have the card, or is this just a "Look people, VRZone had reviewed that card?"

    On the heels of the excellent review by Brian, this is sorely disappoining
  • Anand Lal Shimpi - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    It's just a news post. One thing we're trying to bring back with the new site is news coverage in addition to our reviews.

    Reviews and very important items go up top in the carousel, while all content falls below (reviews + news). We're still looking for ways to differentiate reviews from news postings while keeping it all in the same place. The Read More link will probably go away for news posts and we may try including an icon or some other identifier next to a news post so it's very clear what you're looking at.

    As always, we're open to suggestions :)

    Take care,
  • ksherman - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    I thought that is what DailyTech was for?

    But yeah, some way to differentiate this as news and not a 'First Look" or Review.

    Beastly card.
  • bah12 - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    Maybe even Anand is growing tired of the over sensationalized, biased, political mess that DT is rapidly becoming. I personally like these snips as they are short, unbiased, and (get this) tech in nature. Not something just thrown in with the tech news equivalent of a National Enquirer headline to increase clicks.
  • blwest1978 - Sunday, May 9, 2010 - link

    I'm glad I'm not the only one with this opinion of DailyTech.
  • san1s - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    I prefer this to ConservativeTech (or was it called DailyTech?)
  • jebo - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    Is it opposite day?

    Nobody in their right mind would call Jason Mick a conservative.
  • AstroGuardian - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    The detachable fan sure looks nice and adds to customer satisfaction when it's easy to be cleaned and not voiding the varanty.

    But it looks to me like that will be a loud fan. Not the fan itself but the vibrations generated and transferred (especially after opening it for few times).

    If you have this card i would enjoy it's review
  • Mr Perfect - Saturday, May 8, 2010 - link

    Yes, that is a nice feature with the fan. Why didn't someone think of this before? Servers have had fans in easily removable caddies for ages.
  • RaistlinZ - Friday, May 7, 2010 - link

    I don't see it listed at Newegg or TigerDirect. Only the referene versions.

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