Direct3D Gaming Performance

We again see no noticeable performance difference between the AMD 760 and the KT133A, if you can call 2% noticeable then you may be bothered by the fact that DDR SDRAM can gain you an extra 2% in performance at 640 x 480 x 32.  Cranking up the resolution will most definitely nullify that performance boost. 

It is also worth mentioning that the AMD 760 didn’t have an astounding lead here to begin with, as the KT133 is only approximately 5% slower than both the AMD 760 and the KT133A. 


Expendable has historically been a memory bandwidth intensive benchmark, and it is no surprise that the AMD 760 can flex its 2.1GB/s of memory bandwidth muscle an extend its largest lead over the KT133A to 8%. 

In spite of the fact that the KT133A offers no additional memory bandwidth over the KT133 chipset, the 133A is still 5% faster due to the 133MHz FSB. 

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